If you have children, you may have noticed that summer often starts with a blast of enthusiasm and then becomes a bit challenging to keep everyone entertained. However, it doesn’t have to be that way, especially if they are lucky enough to live in a cool place like Devonshire, a master-planned community in Forney, Texas. We have a list of some ideas to help fill up the fun days of Summer!
There is so much to do in this community, just north of Dallas, that families have a virtual resort just minutes away from their front door. The amenities of Devonshire allow kids to get some much-needed “downtime” this summer. More on this later.
Just like a Texas Rangers baseball game, your kids can’t enjoy the summer “game” without a program. Here's an idea - a “Summer Survival Guide” to check off, BEFORE they jump into other daily activities. Each day, each child could have a checklist - mutually agreed to by the child and parent - of things that can be done before any other activities, and this should be placed where it is easy to fill out. This daily planner can include:
Have you…
____Brushed your teeth?
____Made your bed?
____Eaten breakfast?
____Cleaned at least one room of the house?
____Spent at least 20 minutes reading a book?
____ (Add 2 or 3 more chores)
Below these daily tasks, simply add LET THE SUMMER FUN BEGIN!!!
Experts in the health and fitness of kids’ fitness have begun strongly suggest that pre-teen and older kids start to specialize on one sport too early in their physical development. Of course, this is done because the child wants to excel in soccer or basketball or any other sports. Going through the physical motions of just one sport, year-round, can cause repetitive stress injuries, especially in younger kids. Encourage your boys and girls to try some new sport in the summer.
For residents of Devonshire, there is a great fishing pond in the community. Plus, one of the best fishing spots in North Texas is just a few minutes away. Lake Ray Hubbard has many free and easily accessible spots for kids to safely learn the finer points of fishing. With some rudimentary gear - rod, reel and hooks - some bait and sunblock, any boy or girl can feel the thrill of catching the BIG ONE. This activity will require some assistance and tips from an adult.
There is nothing more fun than camping during the summer. Even if this excursion takes place in the backyard and the “campfire” is the family’s outdoor grill, nothing tastes better than food made on a camping trip.
From the time they learn to read, until they graduate from college (with the highest academic honors, of course!), your kids need to develop a love for reading. During the summer, most libraries have reading programs, some with prizes and special story days for younger kids. For those who live in Devonshire, the Forney Public Libraries are a wonderful resource.
The North Texas area is a mecca for summer festivals - from those that celebrate some type of food or music, to others that are focused on the vast ethnic diversity of the region. Check with your chamber of commerce website or simply Google “Summer Festivals in My Area,” and there’s a good possibility that a fun festival is happening this weekend.
Learning to swim boosts confidence around water and Is best for their safety and even very young children learn the techniques in record time. Summer is the perfect time to add this lifetime pursuit to your kids’ skills.
Just 20-minutes away from Devonshire, in downtown Dallas, is one of the most diverse and fascinating Arts Districts in the Southwest. It’s a great day trip for the entire family and with so many places to see and things to do, this destination is good for MANY visits!
Click here to learn about six great activities to do in the Dallas Arts District.
A little structure for summer is great (see Planning Guide above), but busy parents sometimes build too much structure in the lives of their kids. Part of the summer should be spent simply playing. In the case of Devonshire, the beautifully landscaped walking and biking trails are a great place to unwind and enjoy some “nature therapy.”
The Club at Devonshire is designed to encourage residents and their children to meet neighbors and enjoy the great outdoors. There is a large swimming pool, a splash pool, a covered pavilion with a fireplace and grilling area, an events lawn, and playgrounds that brings residents of all ages together for days of fun in the Texas sun.
Come See Where All the Laughter Is Coming From!
Any season is great to live in Devonshire, but summer may be the best. Family memories and lifelong friendships are made, the water in the huge pool is cold and surroundings make it seem like you’re one vacation. Come take a look.
Click here to set a time for a visit.