Whether it is another effect of the global pandemic or the evolution of a living arrangement that was popular more than a hundred years ago, more families than ever before are living in homes with multiple generations under one roof. Because of this trend, some families, who are in the market for a newly constructed home in places such as the master-planned community of Devonshire, are now planning for the potential for two or even three generations living together.
For many reasons, a community like Devonshire, located east of Dallas in Forney, with its outstanding amenities, convenient access to shopping and entertainment, and relaxed lifestyle, is the ideal spot for a home for multiple generations to comfortably coexist.
Research reflects a distinct trend. According to a recent report from Pew Research, “The number of Americans who live in multigenerational family households is about four times larger than it was in the 1970s, while the number in other types of homes grew by far less. The share of the U.S. population living in multigenerational homes more than doubled over the past five decades.
“In March 2021, there were 59.7 million U.S. residents who lived with multiple generations under one roof, compared with 58.4 million in 2019, according to a Pew analysis of census data. The share of the U.S. population living in multigenerational households in 2021 was 18%.
“Multigenerational households are defined (by Pew) as including two or more adult generations (with adults mainly ages 25 or older) or a “skipped generation,” which consists of grandparents and their grandchildren younger than 25. Most consist of at least two adult generations – for example, young adults living with their parents, parents residing in their adult children’s homes, or a grandparent, adult child, and adult grandchild under one roof. About 5% of multigenerational households consist of grandparents and grandchildren younger than 25.”
As with every living arrangement, there are advantages and disadvantages to a “multi-gen'' household. Experts on housing trends note that “Multigenerational households can have financial advantages. Pooling financial resources means that the family helps out in hard times. Some of these households have more earners than non-multigenerational arrangements, providing a safety net if one person loses a job. However, multigenerational households are larger than other types, so any money brought in may need to cover more people.”
The editors of Homes.com add several other advantages to this arrangement. These include:
Easier Home Financing
“Having more adults with financial assets and incomes will increase the chances of having a mortgage or refinancing approved.
Help With Children
“Having additional adults at home, particularly grandparents, helps parents with minding young children.
Stronger Family Bonds
“When three generations live together, family bonds are strengthened.”
Shared Household Chores
Of course, there are disadvantages to a multigenerational home.
Less Privacy
“Living with others may be more difficult for grandparents and young adults who are accustomed to living alone.
More Noise
“Adults who are unaccustomed to being around children may need some adjustment time.
More Housework
“More people mean more dishes to wash, floors to clean more frequently, and larger laundry loads.
Need for Upgrade or Remodeling (in an existing home)
“A new baby or new resident might require renovation or adding new space.”
Having an adult child return home to live or inviting grandparents to come to enjoy their entire family can be deeply rewarding. However, it takes planning and constant communication to make everyone feel at home. Fortunately, with a brand-new home, the construction plans can incorporate this extended family arrangement.
The quality builders at Devonshire understand families and their homes - even those that are multigenerational. Click here to speak with an expert at Devonshire and build a home that the entire, extended family will love.